How would you like to remove the pain of arranging training? How about ensuring your staff always hold the right, current qualifications?
Would you like to relax knowing that your training needs have been addressed, everyone has the correct, legally required qualifications when an inspection happens?
How about, at the touch of a button, accurately seeing how much you need to spend on training?
Do you want a simple, reliable system that tells you and your staff when training is needed (without doing all the legwork yourself?)
Managing employee training and qualifications can be a long winded, administrative nightmare. But this doesn’t have to be the case!
You can stop this from being a complicated, labour-intensive process that is plagued by human error and missed deadlines by moving to a modern management tool that alleviates those risks, keeping you safe and saving you both time and money.
Thoosa is a competency management solution that automatically assesses and informs you of training and qualification needs. Thoosa can track these needs for the individuals, teams and the whole business. It allows you to easily visualise your staff’s training and qualifications and quickly identify skills gaps and compliance risks.
Thoosa is a fully-featured web-based application. The mobile app Thoosa Personal provides an additional way for staff to view their own competencies.
Thoosa will take the pain out of competency management and help you assess, achieve and maintain legal compliance for your business. It differs from other tools because it is designed to look at YOUR business needs. Click here to find out more or arrange a demo.
Failing to train your employees properly doesn't just impact them, it places your entire company at risk.
Nowadays employers have a legal obligation to ensure their employees are properly trained.
Ignoring this responsibility means you risk legal action, fines and even charges of criminal negligence.
Thoosa is a high-quality management and monitoring tool that will help you reduce these risks.
Click here to download the Thoosa brochure and
here to find out more or arrange a demo.
Poseidon Software Solutions Ltd. are proud to announce that we have been awarded the ‘Best in Specialist Software’ category at the
CorporateLiveWire Innovation & Excellence Awards 2020.
The awards celebrate the success and achievements of companies that have taken an innovative approach to design and development.
This award is in recognition of Thoosa, our advanced Competency Management System, and we are very grateful to the anonymous organisation that nominated us.